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The Hairy Pill® Men

$75.00 per month
3 months paid upfront A$225
Or from $10/week with Zip pay

Pause, delay, and cancel whenever you like.

The Hairy Pill® for Men

$75.00 per month
3 months paid upfront A$225
Or from $10/week with Zip pay

Pause, delay, and cancel whenever you like.

What you get
  • The Hairy Pill® for Men every 3 months.
  • Personalised dosing to your needs.
  • Pharmacist compounded treatment and delivery.
  • Doctor assessment, support and prescriptions.
  • Doctor consults at months 3, 6, 12 and beyond.
Why 3 months paid upfront?
Like all good things The Hairy Pill® for Men takes time to work. You’re likely to see results within 3 to 6 months (many do see results faster), which is why we want you to commit to at least 3 months to begin with. We want you to get value from the treatment and exceptional results.

That doesn’t make it a secret. We can tell you over the phone.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has regulations that prevent us from listing the active ingredients for The Hairy Pill® online.

Trust the experts

Your treatment was designed by Australia’s #1 dermatologist, Professor Rodney Sinclair. With over 30 years experience in hair loss treatment, and more degrees than a thermometer, you’re in safe hands. Here’s how he’s treated thousands of men and women just like you. 

Side Effect Protect™

The Hairy Pill® treatment is no different. In the rare chance you have a side effect (2%), a new dose can be provided as required, at no additional charge.