Hair Loss Stages for Men: What to Look for

Very few men will walk through life without some form of hair thinning or hair loss. In fact, 80% of all Australian men experience hair loss at some point. 

It’s a daunting prospect, sure. But just because your dad or your mum’s brother went bald doesn’t mean you will too — especially if you take early action. 

It starts with recognising that you’re losing hair, however gradually. So what are the signs?

Men with male pattern baldness (the most common cause of male hair loss) tend to experience hair loss in a general pattern. 

Over the past 70 years, doctors have documented this pattern and split it up into 7 specific hair loss stages. Today, this classification system, called the Norwood Scale, helps hair loss specialists identify the severity of your hair loss. 

However far along your hair loss is, the science has travelled further. 

Today, treatments are available to help prevent hair loss in the early stages and to even halt hair loss and stimulate regrowth in the later stages. 

Read on to learn more about the Norwood Scale to identify your stage of hair loss — and to find out how you can take action today to keep your hair out of the shower drain and on your head instead.

What Is the Norwood Scale of Men’s Hair Loss?

The Norwood Scale, or the Norwood-Hamilton Scale, is a classification system that grades the severity of hair loss in males, from a full head of hair at Stage 1 to almost complete baldness by Stage 7. 

The development of the Norwood Scale started not with dermatologist Dr Norwood but with a chairman of an anatomy department at a New York medical centre in 1951.

Dr James B. Hamilton set out to classify male pattern hair loss for the first time by identifying common patterns in a study of more than 700 people of all ages. 

He ended up with 8 classification types, divided into two major categories: “not bald” (types I-III) and “bald” (types IV-VIII). 

It was a great starting point but in 1975, Dr O’Tar Norwood simplified it and added detailed images to make it easier to identify each stage of hair loss (and any possible variations). 

The resulting Norwood Scale, also called the Norwood-Hamilton Scale, is the most popular classification system hair loss specialists use today. 

What Are the Stages of Hair Loss in Men? 

Most men lose their hair gradually following a similar trajectory or pattern. The standardised 7-stage system helps specialists diagnose the degree of male pattern baldness, provide the most effective treatment options, and track progress.

Stage 1. 

Stage 1 of the Norwood Scale can be considered the control stage. You’re sitting comfortably in Stage 1 if you have a full head of hair with minimal (or no) signs of a receding hairline or baldness. 

Stage 2. 

Mild hair loss becomes visible as hair begins to recede at your temples. This thinning gradually forms a triangular shape across the hairline that looks like a V or an M shape when viewed from above. 

If you’re experiencing this receding hairline, don’t jump to conclusions: It may not indicate male pattern baldness. Instead, you may just be developing a mature hairline, which most adult men eventually end up with.  

Stage 3. 

Things start to heat up at Stage 3. Your receding hairline will deepen, with your forehead becoming completely bare or sparsely covered in barely-there hair. 

Stage 3 of hair loss creates a wider forehead that may look like an M, U, or V shape from above. This is considered the first sign of clinical balding.

Stage 3 Vertex

The Norwood Scale takes a side step here, introducing Stage 3 Vertex. Here, the hairline stays the same as at stage 2 but we start to notice hair thinning or a bald spot at the top of the scalp (called the vertex). 

Stage 4. 

By Stage 4, you have developed significant hair loss, with your hairline receding far back on the head and bald spots appearing on the crown. These two areas of hair loss are typically separated by a band of hair that connects to the hair on the sides of your scalp. From above, the hairline resembles a U shape. 

Stage 5. 

Stage 5 is simply a more severe version of Stage 4. That band of hair between your receding hairline and your balding crown is still there, but barely. It becomes noticeably thinner. You’ll still have hair on the sides and back of your head. 

Stage 6. 

By Stage 6, you start to lose the band of hair across the top of your head. The bald spots at your temple join up with your balding crown. The top of your scalp is almost entirely visible. You’ll still have hair on the sides and back of your head — these areas of your head are the most resistant to hair loss.   

Stage 7. 

You’ve arrived at an advanced stage of androgenetic alopecia. Stage 7 signifies severe hair loss, with almost total balding on the scalp. You may have a few fine, wispy hairs but nothing substantial. 

Hair loss also begins to affect the sides and back of your scalp, with hair weakening and thinning out.  

Early Stage Hair Loss Treatments

The early stages of male pattern baldness — Stages 1–3 of the Norwood Scale — may not seem urgent. Unless you have a family history of hair loss, you may not even notice that your hairline is gradually receding. 

The first step to nurturing healthy hair may be to make some simple lifestyle changes, such as eating foods that are good for hair growth, quitting smoking, and managing your stress. 

It’s also never too early to start treatment. The Hairy Pill® is a personalised treatment that can contain clinical grade actives designed to halt hair loss and stimulate the hair follicles to regrow hair. 

Taking early action increases your chances of reversing the hair loss and keeping your hair where it belongs — on your head — well into the future. Get started now. 

Late Stage Hair Loss Treatments

Once your hair loss reaches the later stages of the Norwood Scale — generally Stage 4 and above — hair loss treatments can become a little more complicated. 

A prescription hair loss medication with a stronger dose of active ingredients (such as finasteride) may still be a good place to start. At The Hairy Pill®, one of our partner doctors can assess your needs and adjust the dose according to the severity of your hair loss. 

If you’re not sure whether it’s too late for you, you can contact us (or call us at (03) 8899 6322) to speak to our knowledgeable team or arrange a consultation with a doctor. 

Men facing the latest stages of hair loss may also consider a hair transplant as a last resort. This surgical procedure involves removing healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp and grafting it to the balding sections. 

Talk to Our Men’s Hair Loss Doctors Today

Most men will experience some degree of hair loss in their lifetime but that doesn’t mean a bald crown is inevitable — especially if you take early action. The sooner you start treatment, the more effective it can be.

The Hairy Pill® is a men’s hair loss treatment made specifically for you, wherever you are in your hair loss journey. Get started now. 

Worried it’s too late for you? Or that you’re jumping the gun? 

Book a phone consultation with one of our partner doctors to talk about your options. They are trained under the guidance of world-renowned dermatologist Dr Rodney Sinclair (the doctor behind the technology the pill uses) and will be able to answer all your questions.

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