Our goal is to educate, so you can make an informed decision

About Our Hair Loss Treatment

About The Hairy Pill®

Is The Hairy Pill® legit?

The Hairy Pill® is a registered Australian business owned by The Hairy Company Pty Ltd. Our hair loss treatment uses the underlying technology that has been clinically tested and patented by world-renowned dermatologist Professor Rodney Sinclair via Samson Clinical...

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What is The Hairy Pill®?

The Hairy Pill® is a subscription service that provides access to a market leading hair loss treatment for men and women. This treatment includes a single pill, taken daily. It’s personalised to you, with multiple ingredients compounded in one capsule.  As part of the...

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Why did we start The Hairy Pill®?

The team at The Hairy Pill® wanted to provide a hair loss treatment that delivers superior results while remaining affordable and convenient. Two of our directors (Jono and Noah) had tried just about every hair loss treatment under the sun and were close to admitting...

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Contact Us

General Hair Loss

Can you make your hair grow faster?

There is no magic potion that will make your hair grow super fast, despite what you may see online.  There are steps you can take to strengthen and regrow your hair, along with things you can do to make it thicker and healthier. But the rate at which it will grow will...

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How much hair loss is normal?

Not sure whether your hair loss is normal or something more serious? The average person loses as many as 100 hairs per day. Hair loss, on the other hand, is when you lose a greater amount than this average — and this can be defined as excessive shedding. This shedding...

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What Causes Hair Loss – FAQs

Though not all hair loss is genetic, hereditary hair loss is the most common reason for hair loss in men (up to 95% of male hair loss) and hair thinning in women.  But there are many other causes of hair loss. What causes hair loss?  Autoimmune conditions There are...

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Hair Loss Men

How do I stop male hair loss?

It is possible to stop hair loss in men — if it’s caught early. If you leave it too long, it may become permanent.  The best way to stop — and even reverse — hair loss in men is through preventative hair loss medication, such as the hair loss treatment our partner...

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Why Do Men Lose their Hair?

Up to 80% of men experience hair loss in their life. And up to 95% of male hair loss is genetic. Aside from hereditary hair loss, there are other reasons why men lose their hair.  Why do some guys go bald early? Most men go bald because of a condition called...

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Hair Loss Women

How to stop hair loss in women?

Female hair loss can be stopped in its tracks — and even reversed — if you catch it early. The Hairy Pill® provides access to preventative medication that can help stop hair thinning and stimulate hair growth in women. View real before and growing results from our...

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Why am I losing so much hair as a female?

Though not all female hair loss is genetic, hereditary hair loss, called androgenetic alopecia or female pattern baldness, is the most common reason for hair thinning in women. Is female hair loss common? Studies have shown that almost half of all Australian women...

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When do women start losing their hair?

Hair thinning may start in your twenties but most women will start noticing hair loss and hair thinning after the age of thirty. The most common type of female hair loss — androgenetic alopecia or female pattern baldness — typically begins between 20 and 40 years of...

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Medical Care

Is telemedicine in Australia legal?

Yes, telemedicine in Australia is legal. We’ve worked closely with Australia's top hair loss authorities and healthcare lawyers to create an experience that is safe, legal, and seamless for our patients. What is telemedicine in Australia? In Australia, telemedicine...

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Is shedding common with The Hairy Pill®?

Noticing some extra hair shedding on your brush, after the shower, or on your pillow? That’s totally normal. In fact, it’s a good sign! At the early stages (and throughout especially after dose increases) of your The Hairy Pill® journey, you may experience some hair...

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Orders and Shipping

How long does shipping take?

Your treatment will be shipped via Australia Post's express service. You’ll receive your shipment between 2 and 5 business days after you order (and assuming you're approved for treatment), depending on your location.  Express post is included in the cost of your...

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Our Doctors

How many patients has Prof. Sinclair treated?

Over the last 25 years, Prof. Sinclair has helped over 20,000 patients with hair loss in a clinical setting. That’s why you can put your confidence in The Hairy Pill®, knowing that the underlying technology uses is backed by research and clinical results.

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Your Account and Subscription

Start your hair growth journey now

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A doctor personalises your treatment

A pharmacists calls you

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The Hairy Pill® Subscription

$75.00 per month

3 months paid in upfront A$225
Or from $10/week with Zip pay

Pause, delay, and cancel whenever you like.

The Hairy Pill® Subscription

$75.00 per month

3 months paid in upfront A$225
Or from $10/week with Zip pay

Pause, delay, and cancel whenever you like.

What is it?

Once-a-day treatment with ongoing doctor consultations and support for your hairy journey.

What’s inside?

Treatment contains a collection of personalised ingredients that have been clinically proven to decrease the production of the hormone responsible for hair loss and stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles to stimulate regrowth.

What to expect?
  • 0 – 3 months: Hair loss may slow or stop. New hairs may begin to push out the old (known as shedding).
  • 3 – 6 months: Hair shedding may slow down and you may notice new hair growth.
  • 6 – 12 months: Your hair may become thicker, fuller, and stronger all over.
Service available for:
  • Thinning (diffuse) hair 
  • Bald spots
  • Receding hairline
  • Weak hair

If you’d like to discuss ingredients or have any further questions about how it all works, please contact us anytime to find out more.

Treatment contains a collection of personalised ingredients that have been clinically proven to decrease the production of the hormone responsible for hair loss and stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles to stimulate regrowth.