The most proven way to stop hair loss is through preventative medical treatments. Can I prevent hair loss? Yes, you can! The best way to prevent hair loss is to start treatment as early as possible and be proactive rather than reactive. The Hairy Pill® provides access...
General Hair Loss
Our goal is to educate, so you can make an inform decision
Can you make your hair grow faster?
There is no magic potion that will make your hair grow super fast, despite what you may see online. There are steps you can take to strengthen and regrow your hair, along with things you can do to make it thicker and healthier. But the rate at which it will grow will...
How much hair loss is normal?
Not sure whether your hair loss is normal or something more serious? The average person loses as many as 100 hairs per day. Hair loss, on the other hand, is when you lose a greater amount than this average — and this can be defined as excessive shedding. This shedding...
What Causes Hair Loss – FAQs
Though not all hair loss is genetic, hereditary hair loss is the most common reason for hair loss in men (up to 95% of male hair loss) and hair thinning in women. But there are many other causes of hair loss. What causes hair loss? Autoimmune conditions There are...
Is it possible to regrow hair after it falls out?
If you act early, you may be able to reverse or prevent hair loss. If left too long, it may be permanent. Results vary and the only way to tell how much hair you can regrow is to start treatment. Genetic hair loss (androgenic alopecia) is characterised by receding...