As one of the most metabolically active parts of our body, our hair follicles can be a good indication of what’s going on inside us. Our follicles need nutrients to thrive and produce healthy hair. Deprive them of some of these nutrients and the deficiency may lead...
Understanding and Treating Weak Hair Let’s talk about weak hair. We know this topic is about as fun as watching your hair dry but talking about it may actually help you beat the brittle, frizzy hair and restore your luscious locks. Understanding the symptoms and...
We all want thick and healthy hair but there’s no need to try the latest viral hacks to get those luscious locks and superstar volume. Let’s put the old wives’ tales to rest — no, crusts won’t curl your hair — and look at real lifestyle changes you can make to...
Fed up with limp, frizzy, split-ended, or barely-there hair? Finding the right routine to have strong and healthy locks can feel like an uphill battle. And even when you do find the Goldilocks protocol of washing, brushing, and styling, something — call it aging,...
What is Telogen Effluvium and How to Treat It When Deb Jones began suddenly losing handfuls of her thick hair after each wash, she couldn’t believe it. Her hair grew so thin that she hid it beneath hats and thought she would eventually go bald. What she was...